Who We Are
Psych Arts LLC was founded in 2012 by Justin Griepentrog, with the mission to provide counseling and therapeutic consulting services to the community in Maryland. As time went on, the community we served shifted and grew, as all things in life should. Nearly a decade later, Psych Arts LLC has provided a psychotherapeutic perspective in multiple countries and roles.
Provide licensed psychotherapy, counseling and/or coaching services in Maryland, Colorado, Wiesbaden (Germany), and Harrogate (UK).
Contracted through MHN Government Services, Deployed with the US Army as a Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) to support active duty personnel stationed overseas, managing the particular struggles of PCS family transitions and deployments throughout the European Theater.
Instrumental in building group counseling practices for the Lutheran Mission Society, serving up to 100 patients a week.
Ongoing specialty work with musicians and artists, balancing the creative struggle with the craft of artistic expression.
Expanded treatment foster care agencies to serve more children in the Baltimore child welfare system.
Coordinated with LPDR in disaster response efforts under MEMA during the hurricane Sandy in 2012.
Co-developed a suicide prevention program that had a viral boom in Maryland, and left a passive advocacy and awareness footprint with King of Hearts playing cards.
Provided numerous workshops at a professional licensed CEU level, as well as psychoeducational events for parents, families, and individuals in the community.
“Change is hard. Growing into the best version of yourself is worth it.”
I’ve been practicing for over 20 years, and have walked an interesting path through different social work roles in New York City, the Maryland child welfare system, building houses in Tijuana, working with US special forces overseas (and their families), and hundreds of musicians and artists along the way. The many different special populations that I’ve worked with has led to me to specializing in anxiety issues, traumatic events, and relationship intimacy.
I feel honored to have had a strange pile of work and life experiences, and they’ve impacted my personal outlook and therapy practice. In all of the countries and people that I’ve spent time with (including living in Germany and the UK), the one thing that always stands out to me is that struggle and trauma can blossom into beauty, but only with support, love, understanding, and validation.
I love the mentality of Kintsugi, the idea that our vulnerabilities (and sometimes scars) are what make us the most beautiful and unique. I think Mr. Rogers got it right, “You are special … just exactly how you are.” Sometime then the hard work is getting to a place where you feel that too, and working through the struggles of life that surround us and our relationships.
For publicly available curriculum vitae please visit Linked In
Who I am
Justin Griepentrog BSW MSW LCSW-C